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Legal notice

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the user is informed that the domain belongs, as owner, to:

TEXIA SEAMLESS, S.L. (hereinafter referred to as ROLL DRAP)
CIF: B-62.158.779
Polígono Industrial El Mas, s/n
Barcelona (08691 - Barcelona)

Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona with number of Volume 32.298 Folio 173, page nº 205.895, Inscription 1.

Terms and conditions of use

The use of this website is governed by these conditions, including the content and services made available to users. That is why from ROLL DRAP we ask you to read these conditions carefully as they contain all the information regarding their rights and obligations.

You should know that with the mere access to the website you will be considered as a "user" of the same and thus expressly accepts, automatically and voluntarily, the conditions in force at any time. If you do not wish to accept them, you are advised not to continue using the website. It should be noted that access to is free of charge and does not require prior subscription or registration.

ROLL DRAP reserves the right, exclusively and at any time, to revise these conditions to introduce modifications arising from legislative changes or corporate decisions, pledging to publish and thereby inform the variations that may affect users. These modifications will be understood as accepted when the user continues to use the website.

Likewise, ROLL DRAP reserves the right to modify unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the structure and design of the website, as well as the services or contents. With these same terms, during the tasks of modification, repair, updating or improvements may be suspended access to the website.

It may happen that, as a result of the modifications to the website described in the previous paragraph, new contents or services may be included that, in addition to being subject to these Terms of Use, may also be subject to Special or Particular Conditions that extend or replace these Terms of Use. In the event of any discrepancy between the General Conditions and the Special Conditions, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.

Obligations and responsibilities of users

During the use of this website, the user agrees not to contravene current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order during the use of this website, being forbidden to use it for illegal, misleading, malicious or harmful to ROLL DRAP or third parties. Therefore, the use must be appropriate and correct, refraining the user to conduct harmful to the image, interests and / or rights of ROLL DRAP and / or third parties or damage, disable or overload the website. Likewise, you must refrain from accessing, using and / or manipulate the data of ROLL DRAP.

The user agrees to provide truthful information through communications with ROLL DRAP, being solely responsible for any damages that may cause such information to be inaccurate or false, both ROLL DRAP and third parties.

ROLL DRAP adopts reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses. However, it should be noted that the security measures of computer systems are not entirely reliable so ROLL DRAP can not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may affect computer systems, documents and / or user files. Users are requested to refrain from introducing or spreading computer viruses or physical or logical systems that may cause damage to ROLL DRAP or third parties.

ROLL DRAP reserves the right to take any legal action necessary to defend its interests or to temporarily suspend, without prior notice, access to the website for maintenance, repair, updating or improvement.

Intellectual and Industrial Property. Admission of backlinks/hyperlinks

Permission to reproduce photographs

The contents, photographs, videos, designs, text, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks or any other sign that may be susceptible of commercialization or industrial use shown on the website are the property of ROLL DRAP, or third party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion on the website or any social network where ROLL DRAP is present, except in those cases where there is an express indication to the contrary, and are protected, among others, by national and international standards of intellectual and industrial property.

Reproduction of this website and any of its contents is prohibited, unless expressly authorized in writing by ROLL DRAP. Notwithstanding, the user shall have the right to create links to the website page for private and non-commercial use subject to different conditions, and ROLL DRAP reserves the right to request, at any time, the immediate removal of any link to the website. The conditions are:

  • It shall be a revocable and non-exclusive right.
  • You may not imply that ROLL DRAP endorses such website, services or products or misrepresent your affiliation.
  • It must not include content considered in bad taste, obscene, offensive, controversial, inciting to violence or discrimination based on sex, race or religion, contrary to public order or illegal.
  • The link must be directed to the website, without allowing the reproduction as part of your website or within one of its frames or create a browser on any of the pages of the website.

ROLL DRAP can not control the information, content, products or services provided by other websites that have established links to the website. For this reason, it is not responsible for any aspect related to such websites.

ROLL DRAP is a registered trademark, and reproduction, imitation, use or insertion of these marks without our permission is prohibited.

Corporate responsibility

ROLL DRAP is not responsible for the deficiencies of the service of its service provider, nor of the communication networks, nor of the problems resulting from the malfunction or use of non-optimized versions of any type of browser, as well as those resulting from prolonged interruptions of the electrical supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all cases of force majeure or acts of God.

Both access to the website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the user. Therefore, ROLL DRAP is not responsible for the consequences that may result from such use or access to information and will only proceed to the elimination, as soon as possible, the contents that could generate some kind of damage or harm, provided that it is notified or has actual knowledge.

ROLL DRAP is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or possible damage caused to the user's computer system, files or documents stored therein, when they originate from a virus from the user's computer, malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions of the same, telephone faults, interference, omissions or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system caused by reasons beyond ROLL DRAP.

Rules of Use of the Blog tab

The News section informs about news, services offered, data of interest and any general information related to ROLL DRAP. This website does not offer the possibility for users to participate with their comments on the entries published by ROLL DRAP in the Blog section.

ROLL DRAP recommends that users, under their responsibility, carefully read these specific conditions if they intend to participate, as this will be understood as acceptance of these rules of use in its entirety. In case of not agreeing with these rules, the user is suggested not to participate.

Dispute resolution. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Conditions of Use shall be governed by Spanish law and, in particular, to the legislation on the protection of personal data (Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and its implementing regulations, in addition to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Union) and to the legislation on information society services (Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002, on information society services and electronic commerce). Any dispute will be resolved before the Courts of Barcelona.


Last modified: October 19, 2018

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